p r o j e c t :
N o r t h b u r y s c h o o l
A London inner city school playground was designed in close collaboration with the pupils and Ian. The 'productive zone' quickly provided fruit and vegetables for the school kitchens and meals as well as flowers and plants for the pupils to take home to proud parents. A popular lunchtime garden club saw plenty of hands on growing and outdoor learning.
A London inner city school playground was designed in close collaboration with the pupils and Ian. The 'productive zone' quickly provided fruit and vegetables for the school kitchens and meals as well as flowers and plants for the pupils to take home to proud parents. A popular lunchtime garden club saw plenty of hands on growing and outdoor learning.
The design of the school grounds was divided into two phases to spread the cost and access implications for this thriving and poplular school in Barking, East London.
An amphitheatre for pupil performances/outdoor lessons and a memorial flowergarden was incorporated into the design.
A wildflife pond, secret garden, green tunnel and active zone were also popular and functional features of the design.